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Homemade Taser

  • City: Seattle
  • Listed: 2016-06-11 10:58 pm
  • Expires: 6792 days
first test
indicator light2spark activetrigger switch and battery packfly swatter coilfly swatter hookupmotorcycle coilwater pistolwater pistol opened uptrigger switch


Here is a small taser I made to have so me fun with friends. Its powered by 2 small penlight batteries and has about the same power as a fly swatter zapper.

Anyway, you can make it out of fly swatter parts available on Ebay. There are also other High Voltage coils that work fine too. I’ve tested a few fly swatters and some are better than others. I’ve also heard of guys making them out of motorcycle ignition coils, so I ordered one and will try to get it working and then post it. As a disclaimer, this is posted for educational purposes only and anyone who makes this should only try it on him/her self.

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  1. Battery Zapper – Battrey Reconditioning

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