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Listings for Computers & Accessories (3)

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Asus z390-E Gaming Computer Build

I was torn between installing Windows 10 onto my faithful 9 year-old Asus P6T running Windows 7 Ultimate, or buying a new computer. In the end, I couldn't bring...

2296 total views, 1 today

Assembled laptop


Raspberry Pi-3 Laptop

I wanted a Raspberry Pi Laptop to take into coffee shops but for some reason they are very expensive. The green "Pi-Top" on Ebay looks nice but is about 850 dol...

2318 total views, 0 today

Vaio plug


Computer power plug

When I was servicing computers, the most common problem was a broken power plug. Here is a tip on how to fix a broken power plug in a Computer. First disassembl...

3214 total views, 5 today

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