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NV200 Brakes Rear

  • Listed: 2020-09-29 9:51 pm
  • Expires: 8377 days, 13 hours
Removal Boltsold shoesOld Brake ShoesNew ShoesSprings RemovedDifferent Height Pin KeeperBottom Shoe


Doing the rear brakes on the NV200 is quite straight-forward. Remove tire and pull off the drum by placing two #8 metric bolts into the drum itself and pull outwards. First take a picture of the layout so you can refer to it if you get confused during reassembly. Next remove the springs on top one by one and carefully lay them down in order so you know where they go back. I was quite surprised at how thin the new rear brake shoes are on the NV200…hardly any more than about 1/8 inch thickness. I thought the old ones were worn out when I took off the drums to have a look but the new ones are hardly any thicker…could have left them on for another year.

I bought an aftermarket kit from Napa for $177.oo Canadian dollars. This included a new spring kit for $19.oo Very expensive and next time I will buy the stock Nissan NV200 shoes from the dealer. I wasn’t very impressed with these aftermarket shoes. For one thing – the retainer pins are slightly different height compared to the original pins…too short (see photo.) When I first put on the new pins they compressed the spring too much and it didn’t look right so I used the old ones instead.

I’m not sure how a brake shop removes and installs those springs but I just used screwdrivers and pliers so it’s a bit of a pain. There are probably special tools for doing it on the first try instead of the 7th or 8th try as the springs usually don’t catch properly.

Ad Reference ID: 4235f740e9592017

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